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$175k from one LinkedIn campaign
May 24, 2024


Premonio develops and sells a predictive revenue growth tool for B2B startups. Dux-Soup is embedded into its lead generation revtech toolkit. It plans, executes and tracks growth within days or weeks. The results are impressive with a single LinkedIn campaign generating 92 meetings and 3 closed deals worth $175k.

High converting sales pipeline

Johannes Hoech, Founder and CEO of Premonio explains their offering, “We target C-level executives with a growth planning and modeling tool that visualizes revenue generation by lead source. You can establish the optimum mix of activities and eliminate wasted sales or marketing efforts.

Dux-Soup was recommended by a sales development rep that I knew 5+ years ago.  I immediately saw its potential for scalable LinkedIn lead generation.  I have honed my LinkedIn outreach skills using Dux-Soup for targeted campaigns that sidestep typical issues with expensive phone outreach or the declining effectiveness of email.

We use Dux-Soup for our own lead generation and it powers a ‘done for you’ service for building high-converting sales pipelines for customers.  We also coach C-level executives on how to perfect their outreach and be active on LinkedIn, which plays to the strengths of Dux-Soup.

A key part of our methodology is to track revenue by each sales and marketing lead source or channel.

Time and again we see that combining Dux-Soup and LinkedIn delivers one of the most cost-efficient lead and revenue generation channels.

Omni-channel pipeline building

Dux-Soup keeps pace with the ever-changing LinkedIn landscape which means we can continually refine how we use it.  Today, it is deployed as part of an omnichannel strategy where it is embedded into a wider demand generation framework that also includes email and phone outreach, depending on the offering.

Everything we do is built around a CRM which is usually Pipedrive or Hubspot.  

I love the native integration with Dux-Soup and I can see at a glance what contacts have been generated via the Dux-Soup campaigns.

For example, if I visit a profile, Dux-Soup automatically scrapes the LinkedIn contact and the data appears in Pipedrive within seconds.

Currently we are running outreach for an event, using Dux-Soup to reach out and connect to our target audience at scale. Once connected, prospects go into a nurture sequence using a multi-stage drip campaign to invite them to the event.

Targeting the ICP is key to success

We have five active team members using Dux-Soup which means we can send 500+ invites out each week and still stay safe on LinkedIn by using the recommended settings in Dux-Soup.

The key to our success comes down to precise targeting of the Ideal Customer Persona (ICP) and then using an intelligent messaging and content strategy which works well for senior decision makers.  

We never sell in our LinkedIn outreach messaging – it’s all about providing information of value. This approach has proven to work consistently well in our outreach and client campaigns.

Clear ROI

If we look at a typical campaign that we run on Dux-Soup, you can see the scale of ROI.  The bar chart shows a 4-month campaign that generated 92 meetings from 5,600 invites. This resulted in 15 opportunities and 3 closed deals, worth $175k.

The chart below tracks the conversion rate by lead stage.  Each campaign combines precise targeting and messaging which drives our very high conversion rates. A 20% closure rate on the opportunities generated meant this campaign delivered clear ROI.

An integrated tech stack

We complement our Dux-Soup campaigns with other tools.  For example, a third-party email platform has access to Crunchbase data such as the funding stage for startups. This information isn’t available on LinkedIn but I can create a csv file of relevant contacts and enroll them directly into a campaign in Dux-Soup, or email the contacts directly.

Teamfluence helps us drive social engagement with our target audience whenever they post on LinkedIn. We use Crystal for insight into a prospect’s DiSC-based personality type and Clay's AI capabilities for data on what tech stack a company is using as well as to summarize prospects’ interests and draft individualized, matching contact messaging at scale.

These tools help me craft highly tuned, responsive messaging which is critical to the Dux-Soup campaigns and gives me the ability to do mass customization at scale.

Our tech stack is all integrated through Slack which is fed by each of the technology tools and allows me to keep track of responses from first connection through to revenue generation.

Scalable LinkedIn lead generation

Dux-Soup is a key part of our flexible revtech stack for scalable LinkedIn lead generation. Depending on the ICP we select the most appropriate tools for each campaign which can cover the full lifecycle of profiling, identifying and targeting an audience through to initial contact, engagement and then continuing a dialogue.

LinkedIn campaigns are one of the highest converting and efficient ways of reaching senior level decision makers, very superior even to cold outreach or events.

Thanks to the integrations with our other revtech apps, it is straightforward to implement Dux-Soup alongside Hubspot or Pipedrive, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, etc."

Overall, Dux-Soup is easy to use, easy to train, and the results we get, make it easy for me to recommend it to other people.

Generate $175k from one LinkedIn campaign

Non User Discovery

From its targeting capabilities to message open and conversion rates, discover why LinkedIn is the superior lead generation platform.

Non User Discovery

From its targeting capabilities to message open and conversion rates, discover why LinkedIn is the superior lead generation platform.

From its targeting capabilities to message open and conversion rates, discover why LinkedIn is the superior lead generation platform.

Non User Discovery

From its targeting capabilities to message open and conversion rates, discover why LinkedIn is the superior lead generation platform.

Non User Discovery
Non User Research

Our top 6 ways to use LinkedIn automation to grow your sales pipeline and win more clients.

A 4-step strategy from Dux-Soup user on how to maximize your LinkedIn campaign success.

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