Hello Dux-Soup’ers,
It’s December — finally! Winter is upon us and the festive season is just around the corner.
Cheer up, we have some exciting news this month so stay tuned and let’s see what Dux-Soup has planned for you.
WE HIT 40,000 USERS!
And not only this — our service and product have the average rating of 4.4 stars out of 5 — all thanks to our Dux-Soup users, we wouldn’t have done it without you! What’s a better way to celebrate it than a competition, right?
You have a chance to win a fab Dopper water bottle or get 5,000 Dux-Soup points so make sure to enter the competition here.

P.S. If you want to keep up with our latest updates & competitions, join our Facebook Group and become a part of our community.
How to find your ideal client on LinkedIn and target them with Dux-Soup
Speaking of LinkedIn lead generation, we brought you some tips and tricks on how to find your target customer on LinkedIn and contact them with Dux-Soup. With millions of people on LinkedIn, it becomes really difficult to pick the right industry and the job role to target — in our latest article we have outlined how to find your ideal client on LinkedIn. Give it a try and we are sure you will get outstanding results!

Growth Hacking Masterclass with Dux-Soup
We’re proud to be teaching the next generation of Dux about growth and entrepreneurial skills.
Read our latest blog about Dux-Soup’s support of students on the marketing and business program at Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA).
In three hours students were data mining and building actionable lists to support marketing campaigns. Fantastic to see!

Dux-Soup is running too slow
We understand that the winter season is extremely busy and it’s definitely not a time for the Dux to be slow and picky. If you see that Dux-Soup is running suspiciously slow, give it a little nudge and try the steps suggested in this article. We are sure that after performing these steps, the performance will noticeably improve and Dux-Soup will be sliding through the profiles in no time!

Revisit Data does not work?
Something is not right — you uploaded your CSV to “Revisit Data” on Dux-Soup but for some reason it doesn’t want to start working. Did you get an error message? Did it suddenly stop?
As we have been receiving many questions about various data revisiting problems, we decided to come up with all-in-one “Troubleshooting “Revisit Data” tool” guide. We are sure that you will find a solution to your problem, so make sure to give it a read.

Dux-Soup ❤ our customers
We are always happy to help our customers improve their LinkedIn game and assist in every step of lead generation, and it’s always nice to see that our hard work pays off.
Here’s a review from one of our happy customers:

That concludes our November quacks and we are ready to head to December.
Have any questions, suggestions or feedback? Send it over to info@dux-soup.com, we are always available to help!