This month we prepared a bunch of new articles and product updates that will get you all prepared for the autumn season. Get excited and keep reading!

News from Dux-HQ
Here at Dux-HQ we’ve been working very hard on our new website over the past months. I’m pleased to say it’s looking awesome, and guess what, it’ll be launched next week. Yes, we’re THAT close! This won’t just include a new design for our site but also an update of our <drumroll> new logo:

All will be revealed very, very, soon. So keep your eyes peeled when you get back to work on Monday and let us know what you think via the Facebook group, or just give us a shout via chat.
How to use X-Ray search?
If you are using standard LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed that after a certain amount of searches, some of the contacts are blurred and you can only see the top three ones? Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that LinkedIn has blocked your account, you have just reached your commercial use limit for search.
You can wait until the next month for it to reset OR we have a better solution — try the Dux-Soup X-Ray tool. It will use Google to fetch the results from LinkedIn and this will not be counted towards your commercial use limit. Ready to try it? Read everything you need to know about the X-Ray tool here.

Can Dux-Soup send a connection request twice?
We agree that sending a connection request twice to the same profile is really unprofessional and such mistakes can cost you business. To clear your concerns, we’ve answered this question in a short and sweet blog post here, so make sure you check it out.

Do I need a LinkedIn Premium Account to use Dux-Soup?
To answer it shortly — no, you don’t! You can use Dux-Soup with any LinkedIn profile and the standard LinkedIn one works just fine as well. However, there is one ‘BUT’ — a standard LinkedIn profile has a lot of limitations compared to Premium or Sales Nav. In this blog post, we compare how the different types of LinkedIn accounts work with Dux-Soup so you can see the bigger picture and decide what are your business needs and if is it worth upgrading your LinkedIn account.

New version update brings new features
If you’ve recently upgraded to our latest version v5.12.33, you will see that we added two additional functions in the Automated Actions. Let’s quickly overview them both:
- Remove a contact from your network
It’s a little known fact that LinkedIn has a limit of 30,000 1st degree connections. Once you reach this number of connections in your network, you cannot send any more connection requests. You will need to remove some connections first! Dux-Soup can help you with this using the recently added “Disconnect” automation:

To start cleaning up your connection list, set up a search on LinkedIn to filter out the people who you want to remove. Then, click on “Visit Profiles” button on the menu and Dux-Soup will do the rest
- Run any automated action during manual visiting
Also new this month is the ability to run automated actions when manually visiting profiles:

When enabled, Dux-Soup will run all the activated automations while you visit a profile manually. This includes the opening of the ‘contact info’ dialog on regular LinkedIn to reveal the email address of 1st-degree connection. So once you click to visit a certain profile, Dux-Soup will send them a message or follow a profile (if these options are enabled).
Introducing the Dux-Soup Server Status page
If there’s a problem with Dux-Soup servers, you will know it first! Head over to our server status page to check if our servers are working 100% and there are no interruptions. We hope it will make it easier for you to know what’s going on and keep up with any status updates.

On the status page you will see 2 server pools. If there is a problem with a pool the status light will colour orange. Fear not though, as long as one of them is green, you won’t notice any difference.
Try our new chat!
This month, we’ve introduced a new chat function on our website which is directly linked with our Customer Helpdesk. It’s much easier to navigate and find the right answer to your question! Just type in the keywords you want to search and you will get the answer straight away.

It will help you find the needed information quicker. If you cannot find the answer to your question, we are very sorry and encourage you to send us a message or speak to us via live chat.
Our lovely customers
Nothing rewards us more than positive feedback from Dux-Soup users. This month we want to say “Thank you!” to both J C and Cedric Seguela for taking the time to leave us a review on the Chrome Store. This is surely a boost of motivation and we are always striving to deliver the best experience!

Before you go
We’d really like to invite you to join our Facebook Group — we promise you will find some good and practical advice from LinkedIn experts working in various industries and get instant help from other Dux-Soup users. This is the place to share your LinkedIn marketing tips, lead generation strategies and best uses of Dux-Soup. Join in here and become a member of our family!