If you want success with LinkedIn, getting your connection strategy right will give you a massive kick-start! In this blog we’re going to share the fundamental steps for growing your LinkedIn network and how to automate this process with Dux-Soup.
We’ll share:
- How to use Dux-Soup to connect with prospects at scale
- Our step-by-step playbook for building the right connections
- Killer messaging strategies that really work
If you’d like to watch the recent webinar on this topic, head on over to the Dux-Soup YouTube channel where we walk you through our tips for growing your brand awareness. The recording includes lots of demos using the tool, so you get a really clear picture of how to replicate the actions.
What is Dux-Soup?
It’s a LinkedIn automation tool that can reduce the time you spend on manual LinkedIn activities. From simple actions such as sending connection requests and automating LinkedIn messages, to more advanced drip campaigns. Dux-Soup can automate all of this for you!
Tip #1. Getting started
Using an automation tool to get your lead generation activities up and running on LinkedIn requires more than a few clicks of the mouse. There are a some things to consider before the magic can happen:
- Who are you trying to target? Research and define the characteristics of your customer persona.
- What is your time-scale?
- What data is important?
- Which systems do you want to integrate into your process?
- How will you measure the success of your strategy?
- What’s in your messaging?
- Are you visible on LinkedIn? Do people know who you are and what you do?
A connection strategy is a combination of all these things, there isn’t one size that fits all.
Take your time, do your research and make it work for you.
Tip #2. Installing Dux-Soup
To get started, log in to your Google account and your LinkedIn account. Go to the Chrome Web Store install Chrome and make sure you accept the permissions.

If you’re a new user you can register for a free 2-week trial. With guides to help you through the installation process, the trial gives you access to all the Turbo features, so you can really get your LinkedIn automation journey off to a flying start.
Tip #3. Your LinkedIn Profile
Whether you're starting out or looking for ways to turn your business around, a great profile has the power to transform your business. Before you get going on anything else, make sure your LinkedIn profile is both up to date and relevant to your target audience. Your photo and headline are the first things people will see. If they don’t work no one’s going to spend time looking at the rest of your profile.
Earlier this year LinkedIn Marketing expert Tracy Enos held a fascinating webinar about how to create the perfect profile so your prospects can find you. Watch the video or read the blog to find out about her profile tips.
Tip #4. Strategy
To build a strategy, you must also have a goal or objective. This could be to achieve…
- xx new connections per week
- xx responses per month
- xx new customers per year
Note: LinkedIn does have limits on activities so it’s important to be aware of what they will allow you to do on their platform. To find out more read our blog Using LinkedIn automation safely.
Once you have your goal, you can start to think about which steps to automate through Dux-Soup. Knowing what the Pro and Turbo editions have to offer will help to inform your strategy.
Here are the highlights:

Tip #5. Things that take time
Finding your target audience
Dedicate time to defining the persona’s of the people you want to target, and use it to find your audience.
The LinkedIn platform search capability is formidable! Once you’ve mastered it you can create the profile lists of your potential clients and customers. You can do this in various ways:
- Use a search criteria with boolean search terms. (For a demo of how to search using Dux-Soup go to 19:00min of the webinar recording.)
- Different lists in LinkedIn (e.g. Generating lists of group members, or people who have viewed your profile).
- Create a Lead list in Sales Navigator and then run your Dux-Soup actions against that list. (Watch the recording at 28:14min to see this in action.)
If your searches are effective, you’ll have a targeted and accurate list of prospects for your LinkedIn lead generation.
Now you have your list of targets, it’s time to think about your messaging strategy.
Just as most of us don’t like cold calls, most people don’t like getting “cold messages” on LinkedIn either. Whether you’re sending connection requests, 1st degree messages or InMails, the best way to capture the attention of a potential client is to personalize them. Flatter your targets; have them believe you found their profile while browsing LinkedIn and that you were motivated to reach out to them.
Do this by using markers in your connection requests to personalize your texts. Use _FN_/_LN_ (where appropriate).
When you compose a message, link it to the search criteria you used to find them. For example:
Hi _FN_,
Hope you are well. I am looking to connect with people in the _IN_ industry to swap ideas and came across your profile. I’m a big fan of _CN_ and would love to connect!
Best regards,
(Your name)
Campaign Messaging using Dux-Soup Turbo
When you send your first message to a new prospect, they’ll probably visit your profile page to find out more about you. That’s a great start but if you’re looking to convert the prospect into a lead, getting them engaged in a conversation will get you closer to your goal.
Here are a few tips for crafting your campaign:
- Follow a theme for your campaign messages.
- Use open questions to prompt a response. Even if the reply is a “No, thank you”, you can then direct your time to other activities.
- Give the prospect time to digest and reflect on your message.
- Do not bombard people with messages! A lot of messages sent in quick succession look automated. Bear in mind some people aren’t on LinkedIn everyday.
- Mix up your actions within a ‘campaign’
- Leave at least a week between each outreach action - always leave it longer than you think!
Here’s a sample campaign showing the actions and cadence of 12 activities:

If you’re just starting out with Dux-Soup there’s a demonstration of how to set up a Campaign using Dux-Soup on the webinar recording at 22:47min.
Tip #6. Send more InMails
InMails are messages sent directly to a LinkedIn person you are not connected to. You can send InMails if you have a premium Sales Navigator or Recruiter account. The InMails are over and above the regular credits of your paid LinkedIn account.
By using the Dux-Soup InMail option with the correct skipping rules you can target those profiles that you can InMail for free.

Our top InMail hacks for getting more out of InMail and connecting with potential customers can be found in this arcticle - 5 InMail Tricks that are getting HUGE results.
Tip #7. Visit, visit, visit
Out of invites or InMails? Looking for a way to vary your strategy? Then visit profiles!
Make sure your privacy settings are correct and your visit is visible to prospects. Create your list using your searches, turn all your other Dux-Soup options off, and get Dux-Soup to visit hundreds of profiles per day.
Dux-Soup will gather their data which you can download at a later date. The prospect will be notified of your visit, and they may even choose to visit you back and engage with you directly.

A good connection strategy takes time and thought to set up. If you put the effort in and make it specific to your business you’ll improve the chances of turning your connections into paying customers.
The second half of this webinar was dedicated to questions the audience wanted to ask. There were plenty and many were answered with demonstrations of the tool. If you’d like to take a listen go to 29:19mins of the webinar.
Here’s a taste of some of the questions:
- What are the connection request limits per day?
- How do you use Recruiter with Dux-Soup?
- Do you need to be a member of the group you want to make connection requests to?
- How can you use Dux-Soup Turbo to invite people to a webinar after they express interest?
- Can you send direct messages to 2nd and 3rd degree connections?
- How do you monitor connection requests and activity?