Since starting with Dux-Soup LinkedIn Automation, I have had the pleasure of spending a considerable amount of time with Dux users.
As many of you know, I present the live webinars - tackling subjects requested by you (Dux users), and also presenting new features and functionality of Dux-Soup. Most recently this has been focused around the brilliant Dux-Dash and CRM integrations like Pipedrive.
We have been fortunate enough to see some amazing attendance figures for our webinars in recent months (sometimes testing the technology to its limits it seems!) and for your support with these activities, we are incredibly grateful. The Dux user base loves to learn!
While presenting I have the invaluable support of Gin (Head of Customer Support) who many of you interact with either through our support channels or through the live chat during the webinars.
Gin and her team do an amazing job and have been a massive help to me as I have got up to speed with Dux-Soup.
Contact across the globe
When I look back over these last 10 months or so, it has flown by. The diversity and geographical spread of the people I have met along the way in running both the Booster and Technical sessions has been amazing.
I’ve spoken to Dux users from more than 20 different countries around the world, and within the US have covered over 20 US states.
Dux-Soup is truly a global tool with its 50,000+ users knowing no borders or boundaries.

Working with Zero to Hero
Through my work as Head of Professional Services with Dux-Soup, I have carried out a number of consultative tasks with all sorts of customers - from brand new Dux starters who are installing the extension for the first time, to ‘power users’ who I have assisted in setting up Virtual Servers, with full remote automation for multiple clients.
The thing that continues to impress me, and is consistent in all my engagements, is the willingness of people to share their experiences and to learn from one another.
You can see that every day in the co-operation you see on the Dux Facebook User Group page, and I do feel like there is a real sense of a Dux-Soup community.
Of course I very much enjoy solving some of the more complex issues or solutions required by our customers - building complex processes in Zapier or Integromat and combining data with platforms I am sometimes not so familiar with.
But I also very much enjoy meeting and assisting Dux users who have less complicated requirements and are really just requiring some reassurance and a level of understanding that they can run an automation tool without ‘breaking anything’.
Different approaches
It’s having the time with a customer / client and seeing how they react to advice given that can really help me in determining the correct approach for each situation.
Some people are not so comfortable with technology so will naturally require a little more ‘hand holding’, but by using a platform such as Zoom, we are able to share screens and even take control of a customer's environment if they are having problems.
Some people are of course much more ‘tech savvy’ and in these cases they will often pick up the basics fairly easily and quickly - and in these situations, it is making sure that they understand the mechanisms behind what the Dux-Soup robot is doing on their behalf.
At the top of virtually every user's question list is usually the issue of account safety and the risks of LinkedIn ‘finding out’ what they are doing or targeting them.
As with all our advice on this subject (link) I always keep the answer fairly simple.
Dux-Soup is a well-established and highly developed product which is evolving on an almost minute by minute basis.
As soon as any changes are identified on the LinkedIn platform, action is taken by Dux-Soup to mitigate any potential risks to our users.
So from the platform point of view there is minimal risk.
The only risk that exists then is in how you as a Dux user choose to run the robot. Remember, we are trying to mimic human behaviour, and if you have overridden our advice and chosen settings that a human would not be able to achieve (e.g. speed etc.) then you are putting the account at risk.
I have now had direct interactions with well over 250 Dux-Soup users, through the Booster and Technical calls, via email support and directly through the LinkedIn network.
Each and every one of those interactions has been interesting and insightful in one way or another, with users generously sharing their knowledge and experiences with me along the way.
If you’re reading this and are a Dux user who hasn’t engaged with the myriad of Support articles, blogs, webinars (links) and other resources out there then I highly suggest that you do this.
Join the amazing Facebook User Group as soon as you can for the discussion and tips / tricks it offers.
Or book a Booster (Pro Edition) or Technical session (Turbo) to help you get up and running. I’ll be on the end of the line (or Zoom) and will ensure you get the information you need to get going.
I look forward to interacting with you soon!
About the Author
Giles Garnett is Head of Professional Services and has extensive experience in the fields of Service Delivery, Process Management and Business Consultancy - which he uses to great effect at Dux-Soup. You’ll likely speak to Giles when he’s helping you improve your lead generation processes on a Booster or Technical session, or presenting on the Dux Webinar program.